It's been a while since we blogged regularly and we apologize to all of our blogging fans. It has been a very busy month for us, which involved reunions, a failed apartment search, a relocation to Toronto, guest lecturing at the University of
Notre Dame's
bioanth field school, driving to DC and back, a local festival in
Ingersoll, horse racing and CHUCK E' CHEESE!!!!!
At the beginning of July Mo drove down to South Bend to spend some quality time with "the boys" (the various cats of SS) and to give an ethics lecture and
rendezvous with Yo, who was also giving a lecture in the
bioanthropology field school. Check out the fun photos and the excellent the field school website at: And yes if you scroll around in the photos that is Mo knitting while Yo was giving his lecture. The ultimate multi-
We then drove back up to Ingersoll where we met up with some old pals from Mo's Queen's University days. M flew in from Brisbane Australia, J, B, B and H drove down from Milton and E, D and K came in from Mississaugua for a fun-filled weekend of merriment at the "yet-to-be-named" farm.
Tractor rides

(huge thanks to RM)
Water slides
and barbies galore were the order of the day. (Jonestown barbie)
It was an adventure filled weekend, enjoyed by all. You can check out more photos (excellent shots taken by master photographer B) at
We then spent the next couple of weeks looking at various apartments (both nice and grotty) in Toronto. In the end we came up empty handed and Mo is going to live at the Kersel-Lyon hotel deep in the heart of Bloor West Village until she can make up her mind or they kick her out, whichever happens first.
Is there a problem with knitting during a lecture?
Just because people knit doesn't mean they don't listen...
There is absolutely nothing wrong with knitting while listening, I have no problem with it. The people running the field school thought it was very strange, which is why they took the photo. I knew that you would support me, Knitting Queen.
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